Chestnut hybrid
The main production of Boibel Forestal nursery is the hybrid chestnut, Castanea x coudercii, being one of the largest producers of artificial hybrids of chestnut in the peninsula by massive vegetative reproduction using the methods of layering or cutting and replanting.
Boibel Forestal sells chestnut bare root in bundles of 25 or 50 units, previously selected and classified by size. Available sizes are up to 50 cm, from 50 to 100 cm, from 100 to 150 cm, and larger that 150 cm.
In Boibel Forestal we produce 33 hybrid clones, each with distinct characteristics. These clones have a particular aptitude to forestry and wood but in many cases have a double suitability fruit – wood, and in other cases they are good rootstocks.
If you are interested in knowing what tasks are being performed at any time you can check our nursery section, Campaign facility, in which we show what we are developing in the area of production and maintenance at that very moment, as well as making your plant reservations.
Our aim is to satisfy our customers by offering this high quality product, for which every year we refine and implement new techniques in the delicate task of chestnut production and increase our production to meet the challenge of covering the high demand and leverage to take advantage of all our experience in the production of artificial hybrids of chestnut.
How does the hybrid Chestnut come about? A little history
The chestnut tree is a symbol of cultural identity and the collective unconscious of the Galician rural population. This phenomenon is not accidental, but it is motivated by the role of this tree in the traditional rural agricultural production systems, and producer of:
- Nutritious and energy fruits which are easy to conserve and which have high organoleptic qualities.
- High durability and resistant wood, which has excellent quality for use in furniture making and constructive and structural building elements of houses.
Currently, the Chestnut became the leafy deciduous tree in Galicia that has greater potential to generate rural development, thanks to its double production: wood and fruits, and the ability to complement productions with silvopastoralism, and the production of forest fruits, mushrooms, and so on.
The maintenance, conservation and restoration of groves, as well as the promotion of its implementation generates the short, medium and long term, income encourages the creation of jobs, and strengthens the environmental and scenic resources of society as a whole, as well as traditional values.
Chestnut populations in this country, Castanea sativa, existing in south western Europe began to present important attacks popularly known as “root rot chestnut” in the middle of the19th Century This is a cryptogamic disease, caused by a fungus that attacks the roots of the plant.
The area of highest incidence of this disease in Galicia covers the coastal areas of the provinces of A Coruña, and Pontevedra and to a lesser extent Lugo, on land at an altitude of 600 m or less.
In the first decades of the twentieth century in search of a solution to decrease the populations of chestnut infected by cinnamon root rot , it was decided initially to introduce Japanese and Chinese Chestnut, Castanea crenata and Castanea mollissima, seeds resistant to the fungus. This practice was eliminated due to the poor adaptation of the Asian chestnut to summer drought and its low compatibility of implant with varieties of local chestnut.
In the 30th the first studies began on obtaining hybrid Chestnuts, Castanea x Hybrid coudercii, an artificial hybrid obtained by controlled cross pollination of native chestnut, Castanea sativa, which was very sensitive to fungus Phytophtora cinamomi, cause of cinnamon root rot disease, with Japanese and Chinese chestnut trees resistant to this disease.
The first programs to obtain hybrid chestnut were carried out by Pedro Urquijo Landaluce in 1938, various programs were later developed for selecting clones, resistant to cinnamon root rot for wood production.
At present a total of 32 hybrid clones are approved as basic materials of the controlled and skilled categories (according to RD 289/2003, which regulates the marketing of forest reproduction material) which have been selected by CINAM-Lourizán.
The use of hybrid chestnut makes possible the reintroduction of the chestnut tree in the Cantabrian and Atlantic climate zones, where the local chestnut is not viable because the fungi attack the traditional varieties very likely due to the weather. In addition, by selecting clones with good aptitudes to rootstocks, hybrids can be used as patterns as well as varieties of grafted chestnut producers.
How is produced the hybrid chestnut?
The vegetative form of production that Boibel Forest uses is called layering the. To achieve optimum results in the production process it is necessary to perform each task in the process with extreme precision and care which requires technical staff who are skilled and experienced in its execution. The production stages of hybrid chestnut after the mother plant fields are installed are:
- Coppicing plant stem diameter enough to start production.
- Leaf skipping, ring placing and hormone treatment of shoots or buds that are emitted by the mother plant (May-June-July).
- Placing enough land at a height greater than the place where the treatment is carried out (done simultaneously to point 2).
- Maintenance work on shorts or new plants during the time of rooting: pruning, land clearing and so on.
- Unearthed the mother plants and extraction of new plants (December-January)
- Selection, classification and delivery to our customers (January-February).
- Stump and mother plants cleaning (March before sprouting).
- Application of foliar fertilizer which stimulates the growth and defences of the plant (May).
Abies nordmanniana
One of the major productions of ornamental plants in our nursery is Caucasian Fir or Abies nordmanniana a large fir native of Eastern Europe and Asia Minor, highly valued for use as a Christmas tree and gardening.
It has a nice bright green foliage and brown-reddish buds in winter. The cones are cylindrical and erect over than 14 cm, with visible resin exudations. In relation to edaphoclimatic conditions, it prefers deep and fresh soils (humid climate with not very pronounced summer drought) but it is resistant to late frosts. In its natural state, it often hybridizes with the Spanish fir and other nursery species.
The Caucasian fir enjoys a greater appreciation for use as a Christmas tree than other species such as genus Picea (Picea Abies), due to its abundant and attractive foliage, for its acicular with blunt tips instead of sharp and ones which do not fall off the branches with the high temperatures homes have during the Christmas season.
In addition, it is also highly valued in gardening for its perfect conical shape, and symmetry in the arrangement of branches in each whirl, which seems almost unreal.
The Abies nordmanniana is a slow-growing conifer, needing an average stay in nursery of 6 years for sale as an ornamental or Christmas tree, with an average size between 80 and 150 cm.
Boibel Forest sells its firs always live (felling is not applicable for sale), presenting them well with their lump (root + ground) or pot, so taking the appropriate care survival is assured.
Forestry plant
Boibel Forest Nursery has a wide range of forest plant sold bare root and in containers.
In forest production, Boibel specializes in leafy bare root plant such as species like Alnus glutinosa (alder), Betula celtiberian (birch), Castanea x hybrida (hybrid chestnut), Fraxinus excelsior (ash), Juglans regia (local walnut), Quercus rubra (American oak) among others.
We also have a plant in forest packing both coniferous (Pinus radiata, Pinus pinaster, Pseudotsuga menziesii), and leafy (Eucalyptus nitens, Alnus glutinosa, Betula celtiberian, Quercus rubra, etc.) that allows reforestation outside the winter season, mainly corresponding with the autumn and spring.
All our seeds are controlled and guaranteed by the Galician administration, through the various quality and pest controls which each species is subject to.
Ornamental plant
Boibel Forest produces ornamental, by vegetative reproduction and to a lesser extent by seeding.
Boibel sells plant of all sizes and presentations and at very competitive prices, always satisfying our customers’ demands.
Some of the plants you can find in our nursery are: : short shrub species such as Cotoneaster horizontalis (cotoneaster), hedge species such as Thuja plicata (red – cedar) and Buxus sempervirens (boxwood), Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel) and bushs with a high aesthetic value as Ilex aquifolium (Christmas Holly), Taxus baccata (yew), and Abies nordmanniana (Nordmann fir), among others.
Leafy plant
Boibel Forest Nursery has over 10,000 m2 of land dedicated to the production and enhancing large leafy plant. This plant has some great features for creating forest gardens revegetations and the recovery of degraded areas due to their features, economical price and good adaptation to environmental conditions.
This plant is produced and enhanced in our plots, as if were in its natural habitat.
- We reduce the intensity of the treatments in the air (pruning and chopping)
- We decrease the external contributions of compound fertilizer, providing the species with greater soil requirements in more developed soils and vice versa.
- We carry out chopping and scrub cleaning in order to improve rooting at its final destination.
Thus we obtain well proportionated adult trees with unique and unrepeatable shapes, so beautiful and imperfect as nature itself.
Available delivery presentation for sale are:
- Bare root, with the recommended planting season between the months of December to April, after the fall of the leaf in autumn and before the time shoots emerge in spring.
- Grid forest 10 – 15 L, which makes up the root base plant and can permit planting at other times apart from the vegetative winter.
Available season sale are from 200 to 400 cm or over 400 cm.
Other products
One of our goals at Boibel is to offer our customers integral and high quality service. So we have a wide range of products essential for foresters, such as:
- Slow release granulated fertilizers.
- Protective coverings for forest plant: protection from rodents, cattle, wild animals and also having a greenhouse effect and being biodegradable.
- Wooden stakes.
- Mastic arboreal: artificial disinfectant bark.
- Substrates: pine bark, peat.