Our services
In Boibel we cover an important part of wood production, starting from plant production, land preparation, planting, and various necessary forestry practices to the trees chopping.
In recent years we have also launched two innovative activities in forestry:
- Collection and grinding debris cuts for use as biomass
- Implementation of plots for secondary use of the forest: mushrooms, forest fruits, livestock and so on.
Forestry and Environmental Work
Boibel, in addition to producing forest plants, is also dedicated to the improvement and conservation of our environment, through activities related to the protection, regeneration, and conservation of our forests, and the creation of landscaped and forested areas for the use and enjoyment of the population.
Within these activities, we highlight:
- Forest repopulations, trying to achieve quality forest masses that ensure the best income for their owners when it comes to exploiting them.
- Land clearing
- Maintenance of plantations, clearing, pruning, fertilizing, phytosanitary treatments
- Shredding of forest waste for its use as biomass
- Creation of recreational areas
- Creation of sustainable gardens
- Creation of plots for non-timber uses: forest fruits, mushrooms, silvopasture, etc.
- Road networks: Construction of roads, firebreaks, fence installations
- Cleaning of forest paths
These tasks are carried out with the highest technical guarantee, for which we have our own fleet of machinery and engineering, and highly qualified technical and field personnel. The execution of these types of activities becomes one of the priority objectives, committing to offer our clients all the advice they need in the forestry, environmental, and agricultural fields.
Technical advice and projects
Boibel offers to their customers the possibility of managing their properties with the best technically conditions, in addition to the production of high quality plant and the carrying out of forestry work. If it is the clients desire, access to a multiskilled team of technicians who will be available to them at all time.
The technical advisory work we offer include issues like the processing all the paperwork necessary to obtain grants, preparation and drafting projects of reforestation, silvicultural treatments, calculation and installation of structures in the agroforestry, creating forest gardens, non-timber forest exploitation and the implementation of projects related to rural engineering, such as works and services for the conservation, protection and improvement of the natural environment.
Boibel backs investment in research and believes in innovation, both as the key to the development of production system and the social and economic resources of forestry and rural areas in Galicia.
That is why from the beginning and up to the present day, they are part of various research projects carried out by the entity itself, with partners, and in collaboration with research centres and Galician universities, among which we can mention:
- SOUTONOVO, Cooperation for the development of a new integrated process of chestnut falling, in collaboration with the USC (University of Santiago de Compostela), CTC (Technology Centre da Carne) and UDC (University of A Coruña), (2008-2010).
- Obtaining brown base materials resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi. Large scale production of forest reproductive materials of qualified class chestnut, in collaboration with TRAGSA (2006-2007).
- “Technical Study of the Results of Rooting and Early Growth with reforestation of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus radiata.” This study comes as a result of an agreement established with the USC (University of Santiago de Compostela), through the teaching unit of Silvicultural and Reforestation, belonging to the Technical Engineering degree in Forestry of the Polytechnic School of Lugo.
- “Management of logging residue and addition of ash tree bark for the sustainable use of forest plantations.” In collaboration with the University of Santiago de Compostela, participating the Edafoloxía Department, Plant Production and Agricultural Chemistry of the Polytechnic School of Lugo. During its development, Boibel Forest, provided one of the monitoring plots, repopulated with six year old Pseudotsuga menziesii .
The R&D&i Management System of BOIBEL has been certified by the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC) as conforming to the UNE 166002:2006 standard.
The implementation of the system and its certification have been co-financed by the Galician Institute of Economic Promotion (IGAPE) within the framework of the Innoempresa Program of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.
Proxecto de I+D ConectaSOUTO PLUS
Convocatoria Conecta peme de fomento da cooperación de proxectos de investigación en Galicia cofinanciado polo Polo Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional (Feder) 2016.
Orzamento Total: 341.675,69 euros
Subvención: 60 %
Agrupación de Pemes ConectaSOUTO PLUS
Comunicación pública segundo fito ConectaSOUTO PLUS
Comunicación pública final ConectaSOUTO PLUS